Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pastor Al sightings

He may be just around the corner, you never know! Al has been 'out and about' for a couple of weeks now, and you never know where he may be. Keep any eye out for him. He has been spotted at Gregory's, one of his favorite restaurants. He was also wandering around at the 'Wheels of Time' car show in Macungie (that one wore him out a bit). last weekend he was spotted in Orwigsburg. Yes, ORWIGSBURG, at the Salem Block Party.

Just be sure to go up to him and say HI! He will tell you of the awesome God we serve, and His miraculous power. There is no doubt in his mind of WHO is on first in his life.

It is less than two months since the accident, and Al is back to his usual self! AMAZING, when his prognosis the night of the accident, after the surgery was "NO PROGNOSIS." God is always faithful.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Al's request

Now I know that many do not go back and read the comments posted from an original post, so I am transfering Pastor Al's comments for ALL to read.......

al said...
I'd love to know who all of those that are putting comments in would let it be known who they are because I would like to visit them and thank them for their kind words and prayers.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This is Tuesday, the first day of September. Just seven weeks ago, the content of this blog was quite different. The reason it is different now, is because of the prayers of so many people. Prayer has been a poweful weapon, and an effective one. After spending Friday night, Saturday and Sunday with Al, I can tell you that he is a walking miracle.

Friday night he spoke for five minutes, well...more like 15 minutes. It was amazing. He spoke about the prayers. He spoke about what God has in store for him. God is not finished with Al yet, nor is He finished with any of us. God has used each of us through this accident, and He continues to use Al the most. His walking testimony to God's miraculous power is a witness to all that see him.

Saturday, Al and I took care of some paperwork for Kingdom Roadhouse and I took him to my house to look at his bike. My plan was to load the bike on the trailer, and take it to a shop for an estimate. After we examined the bike, Al started rattling off what he paid for several of the damaged items. The mirros were only this much, and the crash bar is this much.... After a quick tally (in his head) he said it wasn't worth making an insurance claim, as we both agreed the amount would be less than his $1000.00 deductible. We ran a few more errands and went to get something to eat (by the way- Al has said no more 'all you can eat'!). later on, Al called to tell me the toatl of the parts was more like $800.00, and that he already ordered some of the parts. When they come in, we will work on the bike together.

Sunday, Al came to Solid Rock, and shared some words with the congregation there. He spoke for only five minutes. Everyone was happy to see him, remarking how 'unbelievable' this recovery has been. That afternoon, I took Al to the Wheels of Time exhibit in Macungie. Now, this was a bit of a challenge. After spending six weeks in a hopsital room, most of the time in a bed, the walking tired him out. We took our time meandering amongst the 'street rods' commenting on many of them to each other. It was necessary to stop and sit occasionally (and the exhibitors offered their chairs). It tired him out.

Today is Al's first day to "go to therapy." Transportation has been provided today. He will need others to step up for other days. I would suggest you reach out directly to Al, and offer your help. You can call him directly at 610-217-0678. Let's continue to offer our assistance and love. Continue to pray, especially for his voice as it doesn't last as long as it used to.

All this is amazing, when we were uncertain of any recovery at all. You see, when we are faithful to that which God has called us to, even the devil cannot stop it. Let me say that again, "God's plan is greater than any other!" Al followed that calling and plan for his life. Al was obedient to what the Father has placed before him. God isn't finished with Al yet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This is a day we have been praying for. A day that was not expected to come so soon. Today Pastor Al goes home! We have seen the power of prayer in action, and there is no denying God's intervention and healing for Al. All the prayers have been much appreciated by everyone.

Now comes the adjustment for everyone. Al is used to being independent. We need to assist him in whatever way possible. The good news is that he will only need people to check in on him a couple of times a day. When I visited with him on Tuesday, he was wearing his typical garb; jean, t-shirt, and boots! He looked normal. (well as normal as Al ever looked??) He continues to joke around saying, "If I am not the strangest person in the room, something is wrong." This is Al.

When he is released today (by the Warden, as I put it) Kristen is taking him for a treat. A steak dinner! This is a far cry from the food he was eating a few weeks ago, remebre the "I think this used to be potato salad." He is exceeding everyones' expectations, and is truly a walking miracle.

Keep praying for Al, as he will be going to therapy (something he will kid about with you, and I will let him explain this one personally). remember, God is AMAZING! Don't let anyone tell you anything different.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Journey Isn't Over

This is just a turning of the page, into another chapter, not the end of the book. Let's not forget that. With Al coming home, the next chapter begins. Now, he has come a long way, however, now is the time he needs all of us more than ever.

While visiting with him last night, he was talking about coming home. I told him, "well you know Al, there will be rules." He wrinkled up his face and said, "well I guess that is the biker in me, no liking rules." He seems to be good about wearing his helmet, but I have afeeling he will still need to be reminded of the boundries. The boundries are for his benefit, and we need to remember that when we spend time with him.

His spirits are very high right now, and is back to joking around. Last night he explained that the piece of his skull that was removed is in a freezer. So, when they put it back in, he would really have "brain freeze." There is the Al we all remember. He also wants to make sure the piece gets put back in time so he can heal and ride next year. Yes, he does want to ride again! I would have expected nothing less from him.

For the record, I asked him what he remebers about the accident. He remembers nothin about what happened. We need to understand this is a common thing. I beleive it is our body's way of protecting us from "re-living" the accident. It is a good thing.

I gave Al the notes from my Friday night sermon at Kingdom Roadhouse. He read the first two lines and laughed. His recovery has amazed so many. This is a very uncommon timeline for this type of head injury. Usually, it could be months, and even years before events we would see this kind of progress. This is an absolute testimony to God's miraculous healing power.

Stay tuned.....God has much more in store for us!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Al is Coming Back to KR!

While visiting with Al, he indicated that he will be coming home on Thursday, and wants to speak on Friday at Kingdom Roadhouse. Yes, thats right, Al will be speaking next Friday at Kingdom Roadhouse (August 28th). His message will be a short one due to still having a bit of difficulty talking, but he WILL be there!

This will be a time for rejoicing. Rejoicing for what God has done! Come out and show your support for Pastor Al, as I am sure he will appreciate it.

More info to come, but put it on your calendars!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Move Coming

God is amazing! The latest report is that Al should be leaving Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital next Wednesday or Thursday (August 26, 27). At this time, it looks like Al will be released to go home. That’s right, he will be going home. This transition was mentioned in a previous post, but was confirmed today with Kristen, correlating her discussions with Good Shepherd.

Kristen is working with Liberty Resources, the entity that will be providing home nursing care. If approved, Al will be eligible for full time, 24 hour home care. If full time care is not approved, the nursing staff will only be “checking in” on Al, which will need to be determined.

Also, Kristen will be starting her Fall college schedule on August 31st, which her schedule will be verified in the next few days. In light of the dates for Al to come home, this will give Kristen some time to help in the adjustment at home. However, her work schedule will place her out of the home Saturdays and Sundays from approximately 5/6am until 2pm.

All of this goes to requesting volunteers to spend some time with Al, so he is not alone. I am asking that you email me with days and times that you could volunteer. This is yet another hard part. I know that everyone is busy, and have other obligations, but this is how you can help now. It is important that commitments made are kept. Please, please e-mail at m2architek@hotmail.com, I will be creating anopther blog page, similar to the Prayer Vigil page (which also needs additional participants!).

There will be no special requirements when you spend time with Al. We will develop a list of items, which will include do’s and do not’s, as far as thing he will be able to do. We will also have a list of contacts, activities and others willing to assist when necessary.

“Four Habits Worth Having”: 1) Habit of Prayer, 2) Habit of Study, 3) Habit of Giving, 4) Habit of Fellowship. These were items of a devotional from the book, “When God Whispers Your Name.” As far as the first item goes, the habit of prayer has become evident through this journey. The second item is something that each individual needs to be self-accountable to. Read 2 Peter 3:18 to understand our personal growth.

Item 3 is one that is forthcoming. People have already given financially (and I greatly appreciated), but we need to encourage this further, and we will all have the opportunity to continue this on September 26th. Item 4 is one we can now do once Al is home. The time of fellowship will be important for Al, as he will need to keep busy, and your participation is important.

Now is the time to put feet to the words. Many readers of this blog have visited Al, both at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Good Shepherd. Al has expressed appreciation of the visits, and I know he will greatly appreciate company during his time at home.